Q: What will you never forget about Paul?
A: I will never forget the laugh and smile he endured when seeing us kids, yes he wasn’t perfect in no way, but he still was my hero my friend and a great jokester!!! Some the things he would say or even make up were full of laughs and laughter. He told so many story’s “ I think he was believing his OWN LIES lmao , but at the end of the day he was still my daddy!!! I’m sure he isn’t in pain no more and singing and dancing with my mommy !! I know my daddy is so happy because he gained the love of his life back in the sky world !! I sure think about my daddy everyday…… I love and miss you more than you’ll ever know
Memory of Paul when he was 3 or 4 years old from Aunt Jennie. When his mother Stella (my sister) and Paul came to visit. Paul and my daughter Cheryl were the same size and had the same colour clothes on and they kept running in and out of the house slamming the screen door, letting flies in. I told them 3 or 4 times “if you do that again your going to get a spanking”. They came in and I grabbed the first one that ran in and it was Paul but I didn’t know until after I spanked him and Stellas eyes got real big and she said “I’m going home”. So I apologized because I thought it was Cheryl.
I went with Paul when he was a teenager to the hospital for surgery to get his wisdom teeth out because his mother couldn’t stand hospitals, so I went with him. We were close. He will be greatly missed.
Sending condolences to all of the family
Love Aunt Jennie —— HUGS
Hill & Robinson Funeral Home
30 Nelson Street
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 2M8
Phone: (519) 752-2543